Ways to Support
The Jubilate Singers are all volunteer members and, along with non-singing supporters, put in as many as 3,200 volunteer hours per year. The choir also donates free tickets to community organizations, settlement houses, and other groups serving populations who would not otherwise be able to attend live choral concerts. Your support helps make that possible!
Reg. Charitable No. 871658712 RR0001
Donate through Canada Helps:
Other ways to donate
Cheque made out to Jubilate Singers and sent to
106 Sussex Avenue, Toronto, ON M5S 1K3Interac to treasurer@jubilatesingers.ca
Please send the security answer in a separate message to carolcchin@hotmail.com.
Thank you for your support!
Advertise in our programs
Place a display ad in our concert programs and reach an audience of dedicated music lovers!
Our previous years’ programs reached an audience of about 1,300 drawn from across Toronto. Please be in touch for details on how to contribute an ad in our program.